Thursday, April 14, 2016

Team bonding 2 at Changi Airport 8th April 2016

Team bonding 2 at Changi Airport 8h April 2016 
Pre Event:

Once again, we were given the opportunity to organize another team bonding for the whole EMRS team. We started planning this event a month back on 8st March 2016. The objectives of this event is to foster stronger bonds and adapt to the different environment. Venue was the first thing that we discussed and these are the various venues that we came up with, NYP, Sentosa and Marina Barrage. However, we finally settled for Changi Airport due to unforeseeable weather conditions and a spacious area.

After deciding on the venue, we decided to go for a site visit as a team. We walked around the whole of Changi Airport, trying to visualise what kinds of activities would be suitable. We also took the time to observe the security there.
After that site visit, we felt that Changi Airport would be a suitable choice as there are more pros than cons in choosing Changi Airport as compared to the other venue. Furthermore, we also asked for everyone’s opinions with regards to the location. In preparation of the event, we planned the games that we will have and we even created all the props needed for the games. We also tested out our games to ensure that our games are safe and enjoyable. In addition, we did a risk assessment of our activities to analyse how safe they were.
A few days before the event, we briefed the EMRS team on the recommended attire, safety, appropriate behaviour and things they should not do at the Airport.

During The Event
These are the Teams:


We started out the event by briefing them about the ice breaking games, followed by the teams trying out the games themselves.  
The ice breaking games that we played was “The Category Game”, “Chucky Chucky Pew Pew” and “Bob The Weasel”.

 Even Mr Sudesh got a chance to be “Bob” !
After lunch, we began the briefing on the Amazing Race. We explained to them the rules and instructions of the games. In the midst of the Amazing Race, we incorporate treasure hunting as well. Teams will have to look for the hidden numbers around each game station.
The games that we played are:
1)    Blind Drawing
2)    EMRS Warrior
3)    Snap me if you can
4)    Tic-Tac-Throw
5)    Peace Hug Love
6)    Crystal ball
7)    David Connect Field
The teams would receive mathematical symbol if they complete the mission of the games.

In order to be the winner of this Amazing Race, the groups will have to make use of the numbers found during treasure hunting and mathematical symbol they won. They have to come out with a equation that would equates to the highest number. Hence, the group with the highest number would be the winner!!

The forfeit for each losing team is :
·         Saying pickup line to one of the EMRS supervisors
·         Writing ‘EMRS’ with your butt
·         Act like a money for 10s

·         Take selfie of 5 different expression

We even reward everyone with MacDonald Vanilla Cone!!

Our lovely supervisors!

All in all, it was a wonderful event that brought everyone closer together. It was also a beautiful way to commemorate the end of our time in EMRS.


2016 CSP Exercise

The objective of the CSP exercise is for the students to talk to the PEM and plan out their timetable for the semester.
Roles the EMRS students took on
  •     Computer Lab assistant – To help students that need help with their time table
  •     Usher – To direct the students to the correct rooms
  •    Registration – To take the students attendance when they report for CSP
  •     Rooms IC –  To check on the rooms and send students from the holding room to their respective diploma rooms when there is empty seats
  •    Counselling rooms helper - Ensure that the students are at the correct room and the noise level is low

Pre event preparation
We were told that we are the team in charge of CSP in first few weeks of EMRS. That is when Andre and I the 2 OIC’S started planning for the event. However most of the information were only available closer to the event date, this hence require us to plan the detailed things within a short time, and to ensure that everything would be ready by the event day.

The room allocation and the people In charge of those rooms

The students who register at the reporting room, will be given a number card where there is instructions and reminder at the back of it. This is to allow us to track the students more easily and let us know whether the students have completed the entire exercise.


                                                The registration room layout on the event day

                                                The layout of the counselling rooms

                                                   How the com lab look like on the actual day

                    EMRS students helping to solve the student’s problems about their time table

At the end of the day, CSP was me and Andre’s first time being overall in charge for an event in EMRS. It was a very enriching and fun event as we get to make decisions and lead my fellow EMRS students and complete this event together. The event went smooth in the end event though there were many hiccups along the way such as pasting the wrong diploma signages at the wrong room. We would like to thank the supervisors for their guidance and ensuring that we are on the right track and correct us when we make a mistake.